Believe it or not …
I used to be on time.
I used to invite people over all the time.
I used to make it to every event I said I would go to.
I used to be excellent at keeping a clean house.
I used to be good at keeping in touch.
I used to be good at giving gifts.
I used to be good at birthday cards, Christmas cards, and thank you notes.
I used to be fast at getting out the door.
What happened?
I became a Mom of two babies.
After having Thayne I noticed my punctuality going down hill, also friend hang out time.
I also noticed I didn't make it to every event I wanted to go to.
I had a hard time cleaning, writing, thinking, remembering, and getting ready.
Apparently I thought I would make it even more interesting by adding another child.
Now I am even worse at all those things mentioned above. I thought there could be nothing worse than a baby teething for 2 years straight but there is! Two teething babies!
For my friends that somehow have managed to stick with me even through my new flakiness.
Thank you! I'm sorry I didn't send you a present or a card… ever.
For my friends who don't know me any other way then how I am now.
WOW you are amazing!
After becoming a mom I finally can empathize with all the mothers I was friends with before I became one myself.
A friend shared a blog post with me about "the blur" the blogger describes "the blur" as the time when the kids are little, you don't know how you survive or function on zero sleep, energy, or sanity.
Somehow moms make it out.
I don't know how long my "blur" will last, but I do know there is a time and season for everything.
And right now my season is to be flaky, forgetful, and slow.
If you can manage sticking it out and being my friend through this time I promise there will be a time
when I will be good at everything I once was. Be patient with moms. It's not easy hearing crying babies all day, and night, and day, and night, and day, and night. Mess after mess.
Diaper after diaper. Feeding after feeding.
Sometimes I just have to break down and cry to myself.
Here is the house in its real current state...
(This is a pot in the bathroom I still don't know how this got here)
I love my little darlings and I love my friends.
However these guys are my world and I have focused so much time on them that I don't have much time for much else. In fact both babies are screaming right now.
Be patient with mothers this holiday season. Help them out. Ya no one wants to hear screaming kids at the grocery store but we all still have to eat.
Be slow to judge, someday you will find yourself yelling, crying, and forgetting too.
These are reasons my poor little blog is getting about one entry a month. I made a goal to be better next year. I have so much I want to write and say but it is not my season to write every week.
Thanks for your patience and love towards me during this time.