Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dear Satan

Dear Satan,

I am sorry to inform you that you did not win this week. Maybe you did with other souls but not mine. You might have thought you had me when I became frustrated at my finances. Or possibly when I became upset because Thayne wouldn't listen to a word I said and threw  more tantrums than I can count. You might have thought that for sure this would be the week you would win me over, when I swore at Thayne. You must have thought that I wouldn't want to change and try again.

Patting yourself on the back thinking you could lead me down a dark path. You must have thought for sure I wouldn't be attending church. "Thayne can't sit still what is the point of even going?" "No one even cares if you are there" "Alyse is so tired she wont go" "Giving up on everything is much easier" These must have been phrases running through that cunning mind of yours this week. Little did you know that I am strong. Stronger than I even know. How? How can this be? Is that what you are wondering? Because God gives me chances. He gives me nights and days so that I may try again. He gives me people who love me and accept me no matter what. He gave His Son to die for me that I can become clean again and try again.

So this will be a huge set back for you but I am going to have a better week. I can only become stronger. You had me fooled all week long that I was worthless and doing everything wrong. "How could I change?" Was constantly in my mind. Well I can change and I will. I may have tripped and fallen, but I can still run. This week your negative thoughts are not invited. I will be too busy being happy and feeling worth while. 



  1. Good for you Alyse girl!!! Keep telling yourself that and you will win!! Do you have some lovely thoughts on your mirror in the bathroom? It's hard when your home with a baby but make sure you make time for you....getting out with a girlfriend just to visit!!

  2. Yes!!!!! You have the right attitude my dear! Love you, and I love this!
