Monday, August 15, 2011

Heather & Ricky get married!!!

Heather Newman, a very good friend of mine got married this past weekend! It was so good to see friends and to gather at the Mt. Timp. Temple. Heather looked amazing in her wedding dress! Thayne did really good! I got to go to the sealing while Adam watched him and he just slept the whole time. Such a blessing!

Meanwhile back at the farm... I don't think I've talked about Minersville yet! Coolest little town ever! Heavenly Father seriously guided us here because I don't know how else we would have thought to move here. 800 people, closest Wal-Mart 40 miles, there is an elementary school, and believe it or not a city pool, no mail boxes (have to get a P.O. Box). Thayne and I are having a blast. Today nothing too exciting going on (it's cleaning day!)

Friday, March 25, 2011

True Love

I tend to be very forgetful. This blog is set up to be more of a reminder to me the little things my husband does to show me he loves me. After all isn't that what true love is?

True love is...
...taking out the trash without being asked
...listening to me ramble about baby items
...helping me make decisions about school
...buying me another color of nail polish