Spring is almost here right? It seems like everyone is sick of winter. Thayne and I were pleasantly surprised that it got above 40 degrees.
To celebrate we went on a long walk and made some homemade play dough (see picture). He loved it and I loved that I didn't have to worry about him eating it. I got out some cookie cutters for him to make shapes and keep his interest for longer than five minutes.
So I am 35 weeks along. I wanted to go on a road trip to California to see Adams parents but my doctor actually laughed at me when I brought it up. He couldn't believe I was even considering it after thayne being so early last time. He talked some sense to me and set up to have another ultra sound to see how everything is going. If she is born the same time as thayne she would be here in a week in a half. How crazy is that? I'm hoping she stays in a bit longer. Although now I'm prepared.