There is one rule to reading this post,
You HAVE to read the WHOLE post!
So if you don't intend on doing so stop now...
I mean NOW...
You want to read the whole thing?
Alright, here we go...
A few weeks ago I found myself very frustrated with my life.
I was frustrated at MY son, husband, parents martial problems, financial situation, size, food choices, ect. I mean everything about my life.
I wanted to quit.
(If you don't have kids or any trials in your life then you might not understand that feeling)
As I began to think about all the things going wrong in my life I began to become mad at God.
"If only He didn't expect so much out of me, then life would be so good" were how most of
my thoughts began.
I didn't want to do anything.
"I'll be so much happier if I just stop reading my scriptures, or going to church... blah blah blah blah"
I found myself looking at pinterest instead of studying scriptures. Was I happy? NO
Did i pretend like it was making me happy? Yes
I had become pretty bitter at everything and everyone. I didn't even want to be social.
(That's definitely not me)
During my episode of not being happy a scripture did come to my mind.
Alma 41:10 ..."Wickedness never was happiness"
The natural woman in me thought "Oh ya? Well I can test that out!"
Then as I thought some more. I realized something I had already been testing that out.
Sure I wasn't going out and partying or anything else extreme but I had definitely gone
backwards in my progression.
Another thought entered my mind, this time not my own.
"Why don't you try to be good and see if you are happy?"
I wanted to cry. In fact I probably did a little.
I follow a lot of LDS boards on pinterest and laughed when I found a pin that
had a list of things you will be feeling when you feel the Spirit and a list of things you will be feeling when you DON'T have the Spirit.
You can only imagine the feeling I got as I looked over the DON'T section and I had every feeling on there. UGH.
I wasn't happy.
I made a resolution. To try to be good and do what I know to be right. Guess what happened?
I have been so much HAPPIER!
What is my point in all this?
Instead of testing out if wickedness can be happiness by doing wickedly,
try doing what you are supposed to be doing even if just for a couple of weeks and then check your progress.
Hint the easiest way to see this is by serving others.
Try it out I dare you.