Monday, October 5, 2015

Back to school!

What an adventure we have been having! 
We have been go go go. I just tried to find our most recent pictures and realized I haven't been taking very many. Which is exactly what I wanted! It means I am enjoying the moment more. 

Today I am so excited because Adam only has 7 working days left and then we have a break before school starts!!! 
We went to the children's museum today in phoenix and it's right by his school which means that some days maybe we will carpool and drop dad off at school and go to the museum. It's a super fun thought and it might just happen since it is getting so hot. 

I took the kids to their first water park. Thayne couldn't believe how big the rides are. Our friends have season passes and get coupons for discounts and let us come for cheap. That's another season pass we are thinking about for next year. 

Joslyn wasn't quite tall enough to do any of the rides so I am glad we didn't get them this year she was sad she couldn't go on a slide. 

She loves to dress herself and wear moms sunglasses. She is turning into such a lady. We both wear skirts all the time because it is way cooler than shorts... No seriously way cooler. 

We love arizona and plan to stay awhile. Even in the heat. 

we survived June!

What a crazy fun month. Full of ups and downs. Tears and pure joy! 

I say survive because our routine is totally off (remember how much I need routine), Adam works nights and every other weekend (kills social life which I also need), and of course we have our first world trials. 

But we made it! I learned so much about myself his past month and have been dying to share what I have been learning but I have to wait. My mind is still healing. I have felt therapy will help me with my anxiety and depression. More on that as it progresses. Thayne celebrated his 4th birthday. We are so grateful to have him apart of the family. I had a very real depressive episode (floor day longest one so far) the day before. Translating that no birthday party things were done. However I have a great husband who understands parenting is a two way deal and he totally helped me get this party together. Totally spaced the forks but it turned out into a super fun way to eat the cake. And we did pizza instead of a complicated lunch I had planned. Smiles were shared all around. Thank goodness kids don't care about all that stuff. 

I've had a few people tell me that they can't even believe I get depressed, to be honest I have a hard time understanding that I get depressed. It sounds weird to explain my thoughts that I think in those very dark moments outloud. But they do happen and so do very good moments. The happiest of happy moments also happen and I am learning to hang onto those. 

These pictures capture just a few of those happiest of happy moments that happened last month. Here's to july and Adam about to start school next month!