I have a great spacious room for the kids. We moved into a 3 bedroom right before Joslyn was born to give us 300 more square feet for only 100 bucks more a month. Now people can really come and visit and I don't have to have our desk in our room. Needless to say our apartment isn't all put together yet but I am trying to figure out the kids room at this time. Here is what thayne and I have been working on...

This is a cross stitch growth chart. It took me about six months to do. I went to Michaels and had it framed. I plan on measuring the kids with a measuring tape and then marking with a dry erase how tall they are. Thayne already loves it.
So for Thayne's name in his room I did this...
It takes up a TON of room and I never want to hang it. And now I have two names to have in the room I wanted to keep it simple. I found inspiration from none other than Pinterest.

Under the J and the T it reads J is for Joslyn and T is for Thayne. I want to make their names bigger so I might redo it but for now I'm loving it. I think thayne and I will paint the letters from his name and do another project from it. What do you think? The colors I'm loving to tie both genders are blue green and pink.
Apparently blogger doesn't like iPhone pictures so I'll have to take some better ones when the room is all put together.