We are moving... again.
I'm hoping the next post like this wont be for another 2-3 years.
We have been very spoiled/blessed with an open concept basement
although its had its own challenges (like you can see ALL Thayne's toys)
we have been able to fit everything comfortably and have lots of storage space.
Something we wont have when we move.
We are facing a few choices as we look for housing.
Obvious choice close to campus! That one was easy.
Not so easy choice 2 or 3 bedroom?
townhouse or flat?
Newer (meaning more expensive) or older (cheaper but NO storage room)?
Don't worry we have a month and half to figure it out.
Ok so thats not much time. I believe we take up about 1,000 square feet at the moment
BUT I really feel like we don't need to (remember we have a pool table taking up space as well that
isn't ours)
I really feel like we could fit into a 2 bedroom that had excellent closet space (we have done it before)
but the city we are moving to is an older city and most apartments were built in the 60s.
Mum has offered to let us leave things that we don't need to take with us in the basement.
I am so grateful for this because otherwise I'm afraid we would have to get rid of a lot.
We had to downsize after moving from a 3 bedroom house to a basement and now possibly a 2 bedroom apartment.
Lots of decisions in the next month. Our hopeful move date is around December 15th then we can enjoy Christmas and have our own place to retire to when all the holidays are over.
Its so hard to decide what baby things to save and which ones to let go of (seeing as little one #2 is making their debut in April) I guess I could leave the baby stuff with Mum then I can share with siblings someday and use what I need at the time.
UGH! So many decisions so little time.
Anyone else ever moved in the winter?