Tuesday, October 9, 2012

This is a BIG deal!

Well you already know we are crazy.
And broke.
And very crazy but people are starting to realize just how crazy we are.
If you can't tell from the picture I've gained a bit if weight... And it's showing.

We are PREGNANT! I am 4 months along!

Questions you might have

Have you gone to the doctor?
I haven't been to the doctor yet... I'm thinking I'll just wait till the appointment when we find out what we are having.

How many weeks exactly? 17 as of yesterday

My usually Mac and cheese
And lots if soups I can't get enough
Anything processed. (Yuck)

How long have you known?
Since I was three weeks along. I was feeling sick and wondering what was up. I hadn't even realized I missed my period.

Due date?
According to a doctors preg calendar April 8th 2013 (close to my moms due date when she was pregnant with me)

Have you felt the baby?
I have for sure. Just teeny tiny movements. Adam even claims he felt it once!

Now you know why I haven't been a very good blogger/ morning person/ not fitting in my clothes.


  1. Alyse, I'm so so excited for you! I don't think you crazy ;)

    1. Tayler I think its because we are both crazy! We are both nomads that move all the time and like it. Most people would die from all the stress we bring upon ourselves but thats how we thrive. Probably why we get along so well!

  2. Congratulations! I can tell you from my experience that kids seem to come at the seemingly worst possible times, followed immediately by unbelievable blessings. I hope the rest of this pregnancy goes well for you!

    1. Thanks Amber! This is so good to hear because that is really how I feel. It seems like when it is right and good it just works out and even betters my life! Luckily it hasn't been too bad at all!

  3. That is wonderful news. No one should ever wait to have a baby because "its not the right time"/ I mean look at us, we had 3 kids before we left college and we had no money what so ever! But Amber is right, they come with blessings beyond belief. I am so happy for you! Your little guy is going to love having a sibling!

    1. Completely agree! I think its the best circumstances to have kids. Then they use their imagination more because they aren't bombarded with rooms full of toys, movies, video games, ect. Thayne plays so good with other kids I think he will be a great big brother. Its no fun to move around all by yourself. You guys fit into the townhouses too. I need to get rid of some things so we can fit better in small spaces!
