Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New Year!

I started off this year thinking, "wow January is a big month".
Then I got thinking about everything that will be happening this year and decided that this
is going to be a BIG year!
Thayne will turn 2, Adam finds out if he gets into vet school (and hopefully starts this year), 
Garett returns home from a mission, Lauren graduates high school and hopefully comes to school
at Utah State. 
Along with the big events are small events each month Thayne and I are working on
him sleeping in his big boy bed...
Naps he is doing great! But night time well he just doesn't want to go to sleep. I read something about 
18month old sleep regression. Anyone else experienced an outta wack toddler?

I did set new year resolutions but they are pretty personal. I'm already in a habit of exercising, I am always trying to eat better... ok so maybe I had a tiny bit of cream cheese brownie for breakfast. It was a rough night last night.
This year I am trying to do better at setting monthly and weekly goals. I call it my "What I want to accomplish this week... month... list"
So far so good. It helps me survive stressful times. 

I have to tell you about a failed craft...
Here lies a great 18 month old snow suit. Problem? 

Its pink. Thayne is a boy and I want all our snow gear navy so its easy to match and goes both ways. We recieved it from some very kind souls who 
claim they are done having children. I thought I could just dye it. (I dye my own hair why not right?)
My mum tried to warn me saying it could turn purple. I figured it was just light enough that it probably wont... guess what?!?!?

It's very purple. I tried the navy blue dye and this is the result. I then tried a black dye that made it even darker purple. Needless to say I have given up and given in and bought Thayne a navy snow suit. If you see this one at your DI you know what happened. 

As far as Us... Adam is amazing at handling stress and luckily its rubbed off on me a little bit.
He has his interview for vet school Jan 22. 
We are both learning that student loans are harder to obtain than we thought. (bills are coming!)
Adam has to retake a class but USU doesn't offer it this semester so he has to take it online.
Taking him from 12 credits to 16. 
He stays calm through it all. Which helps me stay calm. 
It might sound crazy but I know that we are doing what the Lord wants so it will all work out. 
It might be super hard, but it will work out.

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