Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thrifting for decor and 30 weeks!!!

I went to hobby lobby the other day...
I didn't even know where to start because I wanted to see everything! 
As Thayne and I were walking through he wanted to check out the cool pottery. 
As he was checking the pottery, I noticed the price tag. Upon noticing the price tag I quickly moved
Thayne into a cart. I got some inspiration but didn't buy anything. 

Here are some of my DI finds and I think I will stick to getting decor from there. 
Thank you hobby lobby.

Red basket for remotes. Remotes need a home too. I got this basket for .50 cents.

So this is a decor/ functional item (well most of my decor is)
but not only that it is part of my trying to get rid of my microwave movement. It has been 5 days since last microwave use... That post will come later.

Red Kitchen-Aid Kettle $4.00 to buy new? $40.00 was the best deal I could find. I seriously had a 
lady at DI approach me and try to talk me out of it so she could buy it. 
It had some hard water build up so I used some vinegar to clean it up. Works/looks great.

This is Thayne's $1.00 "jeep" ya nothing to do with decor but he loves it. 

Ok here is the pinterest inspired decor. Get cheap things from the thrift store and spray paint it.

Here is our horse. 

Here is our horse after spray paint.

Everyone is doing the white (which I actually tried to do.) But apparently $1.00 spray paint from home depot is at that price for a reason. It didn't work. My silver spray paint worked like a charm. 
Don't buy cheap spray paint NOT worth it.

30 WEEKS!!!
Holy smokes this pregnancy is flying. My doctor had to remind me that I am 3/4 done. 
Freaked me out a little so not ready!
Here is the bump...

Teenage girl shots (I totally hate these but Adam is very, very busy...)

I didn't look big enough in the other picture so here is a bare belly shot. YUCK. 

Last night I had heart burn so bad I think I slept 2 hours? Maybe 3-4. I felt awful. 
I am going to try to eat more bland foods and see if that helps. 
I can't run anymore (so uncomfortable) so I have opted for the very modified version of P90X than I 
don't have to go to the gym. I do like doing the elliptical when I get a chance. Oh and
I did Zumba that was super fun (but hard!!!) 
I crave chocolate, soup, pasta, mashed potatoes, ramen,  very much comfort food, and gag when I 
eat raw veggies (how sad is that?).


  1. Heart burn is the pits! I am sorry, I would get it all the time in the middle of the night and a doc. actually told me that it may be because your stomach is empty. So you might need to have some crackers by the bed to help, (just a thought) also chocolate gave me the worst heartburn-but i still ate it because that's what the "baby" wanted!!!
    I love the horse. It looks really good on your bookcase!
    I hope these last ten weeks fly for you just like the first 30.

    1. Oh my goodness it sure is! I will have to try the crackers. I tried to give up chocolate but... its too hard. I would much rather eat a tums after my cookie.
