I wanted to make Adams 27th birthday really special. Because he thought it was just another birthday. I'm grateful everyday that he was born so I could be with him. I know I'm selfish. I wanted to make sure this was a birthday he wouldn't forget maybe it will be maybe it won't but I don't think I'm what made it unforgettable...
So first off we ran a 1/2 marathon for his birthday. Adam got 1st in his age group. Got a personal record and won a belt buckle. 2 goals he set to do. 

Garett won the whole darn race!!! And didn't even train all summer.

Then he wanted a nice cream cake... Bam! Didn't even have to make it. This is a face he has made ever since he was little. It cracks me up. Thayne makes the same face.
Then I had a gift surprise for him to try to help him get excited about his birthday all day. I set up 7 gifts (I didn't want to do 27) that he would start opening and 11:07 and open one up every hour on the 7th minute until all the gifts were open. I didn't get a picture of it though. Look it up on Pinterest you'll find it... Here is the reason I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted, exhibit a: boating.
This isn't our first time boating and surely not our last but Adam does have a bad shoulder and although this picture is sweet he knew he shouldn't have done that last jump... But he did and ended up,
In the ER with a dislocated shoulder. Not the first time dislocating it but first time it took two doctors to put it back in. He sent me this selfie by the way. The babies fell asleep on our way to the emergency room. So I sat in the car with them while I trusted my handsome man to the hospital staff in Ogden. Once the kids woke up we went in and took Adam one of his gifts. We tried to stick to the hour thing. You can imagine why I didn't get pictures. It was hectic! Oh and this crazy guy didn't want to be stuck at the hospital all day so all he had was Advil. He never sends me selfies so I thought for sure he was drugged up. Nope. He just manages pain like a champ. The last gift I gave him was this...
A giant picture of our family done for $30.00 I looked up on Pinterest about Engineering prints and had one printed out and then took it to hobby lobby and had them put a foam backing. It looks amazing. And for that price you can't beat it! I can't stop staring at it. Adam couldn't wait to get it up on the wall.
Being married to Adam is the best thing I've ever done in my life. This man of mine is incredible. He works so hard in fact he went to work the next day of his birthday. He does everything without complaint. Even when I ask him to hand me something and I'm closer to it. He makes life so fun and enjoyable. He is close to God. He is an amazing father and husband. I don't know how I got so lucky to have him but I'm grateful to be the one he choose to spend his eternity with. I love you babe!!
Oh and big PA school news, Adam finished his application we should start hearing about interview this fall :)