Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Thrift store LDS decor

I love thrift stores. I also love saying money.
Combine the two and beautiful things happen.
At our last stake conference a speaker spoke about the importance of having a picture of the temple in your home is.
After we came home I looked around. Not one picture up.
How sad!
So I looked at some pictures I really wanted (I mean bigger than 5x7) most were over $100.
Something I definitely don't have. So I have been on the hunt to find a cheaper version.

And here it is!

I tried to capture the colors of the frame and inside frame.
Its purple. My LEAST favorite color. The wood even has a purple tint.
The frame, glass, and most important the picture (drawing?) is in excellent condition.
For $15.00 I couldn't pass it up.
Perfect size, simple, and to the point.

Plus gives me a craft to do.
I took the art out of the wood frame and was not very happy to find the inside frame attached to the art.
I'm a pretty messy painter so this worried me a bit

I taped off what I didn't want painted and luckily it worked out just fine.

Here is the finished product. Red and black. Which matches much better with what I have and hopefully looks like I paid more for it. What do you think?


  1. Looks great! I LOVE thrift stores! Only, the one near us is pretty trashy...I hope there is a good one where we are moving!

    1. Bah! I hate it when there aren't any good ones. Ours that we are close to is the best I have ever seen. I am taking full advantage of it.
